


In cases where national standardized exams or institutional exams are not available, a student may be able to complete a portfolio that demonstrates his/her experience and college-level learning.  奥古斯塔 Tech will consider a portfolio, if that experience demonstrates mastery of competencies taught within an 奥古斯塔 Tech’s degree, diploma or certificate programs.

When you seek credit for prior learning, the burden of proof rests with you. You must demonstrate to an evaluator's satisfaction that you have learned what is stated in the portfolio. 除了, the evaluator often does not know you personally and must rely entirely on your portfolio; therefore, proper documentation is an important and integral part of the entire package. 教师 will base their decisions on the content of your portfolio; therefore, it is important that your portfolio be organized, so anyone can follow it easily.

Your completed portfolio should contain at the minimum the following elements:

  • 重新开始. A current resume gives the evaluators a sense of who you are and allows them to see where your experience and prior learning fit into the total picture. Your resume should include:
    • Your name, mailing address, e-mail address, fax and telephone numbers
    • Educational experience, with dates
    • Employment experience, with dates
    • 社区活动
    • 其他活动
  • Learning Outcomes/Course Syllabus. This will be provided by the PLA Coordinator.
  • Description and Documentation of Learning (Your Narrative). This component is your opportunity to present to the evaluators a brief description of your experience and explain how the documentation supports your requests. Keep in mind the evaluators may not be familiar with certain certifications and other documents, and it is in your best interest to explain their relevancy to the credit requested.
  • Evidence supporting prior learning. Make sure that any item listed as supporting evidence is reference in the narrative.
    • 工作 samples, letters of validation for work experience, job description
    • Performance appraisals, evidence of public presentation, 等.
    • Transcripts of formal academic courses (if applicable) or copies of non-credit certificates or industry certificates
    • Proof of membership in professional associations, community service organizations, 认证证明, 许可, 等.